Your presence is magic, you presence is power, learn how to turn it up!
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Hello and welcome!
Have you ever thought: There has just got to be an easier way? Why is it so easy for that person? What are they doing that I'm not??? These were questions that ran through my head all the time before I learned this work. Other people just looked like things worked out for them, and I did not get why. Then I got took this program to learn specific techniques and presence practices that I am now certified to teach. They are so powerful, and my life changed for the better, more fun, more interesting, and easier. I know it sounds too good to be true, that is why this stand-alone class is offered. This way you can try it out, see if you like it, see if these practices do anything for you before going deeper. Would you like to get green lights everyday? People offering for you to go in front of them while in line at the grocery store? People you are attracted to initiating conversation with you? To meet friends that are at the new level you have become? Overall increased confidence? |
How long is the class? an hour and a half How many people are in the class? A maximum of 8. This way everyone will get personalized attention. Do I have to talk? No you do not have to share if you do not want, but I will invite you to share your experience several times during the class. |
The Introduction to the Magic of Presence is a stand-alone class that allows you to sample some powerful practices before deciding if you are interested in learning more. Although there are so many more practices than what I teach in the Introduction class; even with what you learn in one night, if you practice them they will create magic for you.
Several people have manifested things after just this free Introduction class.
People in my classes have told me that because of these practices, people were already responding to them immediately. And I was even able to witness visibly increased attention.
One even manifested mid-class.
They had been saying that she wanted increased enrollment for the coming months, and she received a phone call from an agency requesting for a workshop to be created for them. Tons of new clients! How about that.
Other things people have enjoyed because of taking the Magic of Presence include:
The Magic of Presence is a series of energy, presence, and embodiment techniques. Doing these practices changes everything. It is quantum work. Honestly, it looks and feels like magic - even though I know what I am doing, and I know this stuff works. Each and every time it's still so awesome to witness my own and others' wins.
There are so many benefits to these Presence Practices, but the shifts or improvements that people experience varies from person to person, so the best way to learn more is to try a free Intro Class, so that you can see the experience. The Intro class to the Magic of Presence is an hour and a half, and you will learn and practice 2 powerful practices. Even just one practice will already create a shift for you IF you put it to work. (there are over 40 practices in total!)
Would love to see you in an Intro Class! Intro classes are FREE
Introduction to the Magic of Presence is held on a Monday 3:00 - 4:30 PST or a Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 PST.
Please check the calendar above for the next availability.
And yes, you are welcome to take the free class over and over :)
Would you like to try out the free Introduction to the Magic of Presence, to see what magic and power you have got waiting for you?
Sending Love,
Several people have manifested things after just this free Introduction class.
People in my classes have told me that because of these practices, people were already responding to them immediately. And I was even able to witness visibly increased attention.
One even manifested mid-class.
They had been saying that she wanted increased enrollment for the coming months, and she received a phone call from an agency requesting for a workshop to be created for them. Tons of new clients! How about that.
Other things people have enjoyed because of taking the Magic of Presence include:
- A past relationship partner reached out for contact, out of nowhere.
- Anxiety decreased, to none during class, and overall outside of class.
- Improved boundaries around work and authority, and the business partners outwardly enforced a personal boundary set, as if they were a bodyguard, enforcing respect.
- Walked into a shop, and the shop was filled with happy people following their entrance, and still completed everything quickly, with no delay. They told me that was new for them.
- Running into a family member that they had been wanting to connect with, but felt slightly shut out by them. Everything was resolved one hour after class, with no reaching out.
- Meeting an amazing partner that lives 2 minutes from their home, when they had never even met someone they were attracted to that lived closer than 2 hours away. The partner is the closest thing to their wish list that they have ever encountered.
- Going from people almost hitting them while driving on the freeway daily, to people being considerate drivers, and getting green lights most of the time.
- Children behave without raising their voices.
- Went from typically being ignored during business meetings, talked over, interrupted to everyone shutting up, paying attention, and listening closely when they wanted to speak (without having to raise their voice).
The Magic of Presence is a series of energy, presence, and embodiment techniques. Doing these practices changes everything. It is quantum work. Honestly, it looks and feels like magic - even though I know what I am doing, and I know this stuff works. Each and every time it's still so awesome to witness my own and others' wins.
There are so many benefits to these Presence Practices, but the shifts or improvements that people experience varies from person to person, so the best way to learn more is to try a free Intro Class, so that you can see the experience. The Intro class to the Magic of Presence is an hour and a half, and you will learn and practice 2 powerful practices. Even just one practice will already create a shift for you IF you put it to work. (there are over 40 practices in total!)
Would love to see you in an Intro Class! Intro classes are FREE
Introduction to the Magic of Presence is held on a Monday 3:00 - 4:30 PST or a Saturday 10:00 - 11:30 PST.
Please check the calendar above for the next availability.
And yes, you are welcome to take the free class over and over :)
Would you like to try out the free Introduction to the Magic of Presence, to see what magic and power you have got waiting for you?
Sending Love,
Each series there is a different theme.
The theme for this upcoming series is "Quantum Relationships"
What is quantum relationships?
We will be upgrading our relationship to... you fill in the blank... at the deepest level.
"Quantum" has become a popular topic, because its very interesting! It was esoteric and on the fringe for a long time, and really all energy work is quantum. Its just with this class we are being intentional about creating foundational change.
Who doesn't want positive, loving, foundational change? I do!!!
Relationships are a giant part of all of our lives, and seeing that the holiday's are approaching, I see this theme as a perfect fit, to help you have an even better holiday season that you might imagine.
When we do our deep inner work, everything around us changes. Amplify your results by doing it in a group class setting. I know its weird to hear, but really it feels like magic when people just start responding to you differently, when those challenging people just aren't challenging, or for what ever reason don't seem to come around, without you doing anything different.... outwardly. Inwardly is where its at! With the powerful inner work that we'll do together, and your application of the practices that you learn, you'll get fun results, and please share with me, I LOVE hearing about your wins!!!!
Scroll up to sign up for your next free class.
Sending love,
The theme for this upcoming series is "Quantum Relationships"
What is quantum relationships?
We will be upgrading our relationship to... you fill in the blank... at the deepest level.
"Quantum" has become a popular topic, because its very interesting! It was esoteric and on the fringe for a long time, and really all energy work is quantum. Its just with this class we are being intentional about creating foundational change.
Who doesn't want positive, loving, foundational change? I do!!!
Relationships are a giant part of all of our lives, and seeing that the holiday's are approaching, I see this theme as a perfect fit, to help you have an even better holiday season that you might imagine.
When we do our deep inner work, everything around us changes. Amplify your results by doing it in a group class setting. I know its weird to hear, but really it feels like magic when people just start responding to you differently, when those challenging people just aren't challenging, or for what ever reason don't seem to come around, without you doing anything different.... outwardly. Inwardly is where its at! With the powerful inner work that we'll do together, and your application of the practices that you learn, you'll get fun results, and please share with me, I LOVE hearing about your wins!!!!
Scroll up to sign up for your next free class.
Sending love,
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